Safer Internet Week
‘Create, Connect and Share Respect. A better Internet starts with you.’ Don’t forget to ask your children what they have been doing this week with regards to e-safety!
Groundwork Community Learning
Parents and children from Y3, 4 and 5 will be helping Mrs Lewis and the Groundwork team develop the school grounds. They will learn new skills in growing, gardening and conservation. An exciting new project to take part in.
Barclays Code Playground!
Bede class had an exciting time working with Sarah Irvin, who came from Barclays to show the children how to code using Micro bits. They had to give the computer instructions, and download information onto the micro bit making it say ‘hello,’ show a picture and flash lights ‘on and off.’
Cross Country
Well done to all pupils who took part in the cross-country races recently. Congratulations in particular go to Hannah Ward and Alisha Mason who came 4th and 5th out of over 80 runners. Overall, we came 4th out of over 20 teams which is a fabulous achievement!
Thanks also go to Mr Hood and many members of staff who gave up their Saturday mornings to set up the course and support the team at Bullion Lane and also Langley Park.
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory!
The performing arts club have started rehearsals for their production of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, which will be performed in July. It is lovely to see so many keen performers!
New Family Support Worker
Many thanks go to Sara Irving, our Family Support Worker who has left us to take up another post nearer her home.