The school council at Bullion Lane Primary school meets once a month throughout the year to talk about ways to make our school better. There is one representative from most of the classes and every key stage is represented. The children in each class vote for the child they think will be the best.
An agenda is set for each meeting and the councilors are encouraged to take an active part in the meeting. They talk about a range of issues and vote for suggestions to make the school a better place. Notes are made in every meeting by Mrs Dawson and are fed back to the class and displayed on the School Council noticeboard. Sometimes school councilors will invite staff to come and meet with them to discuss issues in school.
The School Council work extremely hard – they managed to collect many items for our Christmas raffle which was a huge success and raised funds to take the whole school to the pantomime for our Christmas treat. We have also run a Tombola and ‘Pop up Shop’. We are really looking forward to ‘Free Book Friday’ where children throughout school can choose a book to take home. This will be run by our school council every Friday during golden time.