Year 2
Ms Baird – Class Teacher
Mrs Clifford – Teaching Assistant
Mrs H Cairns – Teaching Assistant
- Morning 8.35 to 10.00
- Break 10.00 to 10.15
- Mid Morning 10.15 to 11.45
- Lunch 11.45 to 12.30
- Afternoon 12.30-3.05 (10 minute break at 13.30)
We are a Year 2 class and we are called Wear Class. We learn phonics each morning from 9am until 10am and some of us are so good at reading now we are in a comprehension group. We also help our reading by doing LEXIA and we have a competition to see who can earn the most units each week and try hard to be the school termly winners. We also apply our reading skills in our Reading for Pleasure activities which we love as we get to read our way. Sometimes we just want to sit on top of our tables to read!
We take part in a broad and balanced curriculum and go on trips to Beamish Museum, art galleries or on a short wander to our local library and bookshop. We work very hard too to try and earn our Pen Licence. We practise how to do joined up writing and once we can we receive our own pen along with a certificate, sticker and a class Desk Pet.
We are proud of our work and especially ourselves as we can work alone, with our partners or as a small group or even as a whole team. We have weekly ‘Pow Wows’ where we all get together to share news and help each other with any problems we may have.
We love our class especially our library as we get to wear glasses (pretend ones) and we have reading buddies (toy characters) where we can practise our story telling. We are also hosts to the Secret Library which is a special collection of books hidden in plain sight in school. Some of the grown ups don’t even know where it is!