Hi Everybody,
I hope you have all enjoyed the Easter weekend as much as possible, and haven’t eaten too many Easter eggs!
Mrs Dawson has been wondering how you all are, and has been busy researching new ideas. She has sent you this letter:
Hello everyone, Mrs Dawson here,
I hope that you are all well and staying safe during this unusual time we are all facing. I have been staying at home and helping Taylor with his schoolwork, this is a little harder than I thought!!! We celebrated Easter this weekend, and I hope you had fun celebrating with your family. Ours was a lot quieter than usual but we still managed to have an egg hunt and lunch together.
I’m sure that you have been working through your home-school packs that we sent home, there are some great websites to help support your learning whilst school is closed. All of these are important and will help to keep your brain active and help with your well-being.
This is a very strange and worrying time for everyone at the moment and it is just as important that we look after our mental and emotional well-being too. I have been having a look at some useful websites/activities that will promote positive mental and emotional wellbeing. Why don’t you see if you can try some out and let me know what you think?
Here are a few you can try:
A toolbox of activities such as breathing exercises, coping videos, yoga videos and games that can help you feel calm in a period of disruption.
Lots of interactive videos to support with KS1 & KS2 Maths, Literacy, PSHE and PE. Great for times tables – as well as videos that are ‘just for fun’.
There is a vast range of mindfulness and wellbeing activities on here to promote positive mental health. The mindfulness colouring sheets are great.
This is great for our younger pupils who can take part in yoga sessions based around a story.
This has been a favourite in our house during the ‘lockdown’. It has lots of activities to support you Maths, Literacy, PSHE and PE. They also have a ‘Friday family challenge’ so you could all get involved as a family for a bit of fun.
I know the news can be a little scary right now, you may not understand everything that is happening. Newsround keeps you up to date with the world around you, creating opportunities to talk about what is happening.
These are just a few that I found and have used myself and found useful, you may have others that you enjoy doing yourself.That said we also know that too much screen time can have a negative effect on our mental and emotional well-being so I’ve got some other things for you to try.
You could also do some of the following:
• Try something new.
• Do some exercise every day in a safe way.
• Play your favourite game.
• Watch a new or favourite movie.
• Do something that you really enjoy.
• Take some time to relax.
• Read a story to someone in your family.
• Do something nice for someone.
• You could cook together with a grown up in your family.
• Why not try some drawing or colouring in.
• Dance to a song on the radio.
The main thing is that you stay safe and stay well in the current conditions. I know we all want to just return to ‘normal’ and when this happens, I will be so excited to see you all coming through the gates that morning.
Take Care, Stay Safe and hope to see you soon!
Mrs Dawson