Hi Everyone,
Here are the key dates for the term. More information about some of them, will follow nearer the time.
Monday 2nd May: Bank Holiday (school closed)
Monday 9th May: Y6 SATs week (KS1 SATs to follow)
Friday 20th May: Day off for Jubilee (school closed)
Thursday 26th May: Jubilee Tombola (more info to follow)
Friday 27th May: Dress in red, white & blue for Jubilee
Monday 30th May: Half term week
Monday 6th June: Y1 Phonics Screening week
Y4 Multiplication Check (over 3-week period)
Wednesday 8th June: Parents of new Reception children in pm
Thursday 9th June: Class photos
Thursday 16th June: Sports Day-am Rec/KS1, pm KS2 (more info to follow)
Friday 24th June: Inset day (school closed)
Tuesday 12th July: Performing Arts Club: 1.45pm Matinee & 5pm Evening performance
Friday 15th July: Reports out to parents
Thursday 21st July: 9.30am Leavers Assembly
Break up for the holidays.