Hi Everyone,
Well, what a year, but we’ve made it! A huge well done to all our children this year who have settled back into school exceptionally well after the pandemic, and who have made tremendous progress.
Thank you to all or wonderful staff who have taught and supported all our children to ensure they can be the best they can be.
I would like to wish Mrs Perry all the very best as she makes her life-changing move to New Zealand, thank you to her for all she has done for Bullion Lane.
Mrs Cook, one of our lunchtime supervisors is retiring, thank you to her for all her hard work and commitment she has shown towards Bullion Lane, and wishing her a happy retirement.
I also wish Miss Gaddes, good luck as she starts another job in September, she has been a great asset to our school over the last year.
Mr Gardner – CONGRATULATIONS! He is getting married over the summer so wishing him and his wife a wonderful day.
I hope everyone has a lovely holiday and we’ll see you back at school on Tuesday 6th September.