Dear Parents/Carers,
Well, what a surreal 5 months this has been. Hopefully in September we will slowly be able to get things back to normal as much as possible. You should all have received your child’s report along with important information for next term.
We said thank you, and good-bye to Mrs Irvin on Tuesday, and wish her a long and happy retirement. She will be a big miss as she has been part of Bullion Lane for 18 years.
I would like to welcome a new member of staff, Mr Gardner, who will be teaching in Wear class next year. Other staff changes are as follows: Mrs Jennings will be full time in Reception, Ms Baird will be in Y3/4 Lambton, Mrs Scott and Mrs Hedges will both be in Y4/5 Waldridge, and Mr Stephenson will be teaching in Y6, Bede class.
A risk assessment has been completed related to the full opening of schools from September, please see the attachment (in Safeguarding section).
I would just like to say thank you to all the staff for their hard work and commitment, not only through this time, but all the way through the year.
I would also like to say thank you all of you who have worked exceptionally hard with your children, your ‘Rainbow Children,’ who have lived through lockdown, which will be remembered through history.
I hope you all have a lovely summer with hopefully more freedom than the last 5 months, and I look forward to seeing everyone in September.
Take care and stay safe,
Miss Barningham.