Very well done to our Y6 children and all the staff! Overall we achieved 93% in reading, 97% in SPAG, 100% in maths and 93% in writing.
Fantastic results!
Your children will hopefully have been coming home telling you all about the last couple of days in school where we had a company called Rock-It organising various outdoor activities for the children.They have all had the opportunity to Rock Climb, slide down the Titanic, Archery, Crazy Golf and Den Building. Nursery children have had access to a Fun-House Bouncy Castle. A great end to a busy term!
After nearly 20 years, Mrs Purdom is leaving us at the end of this term. I would like to say a huge thank you to her for the endless commitment, time and energy she has given to the children, and the tremendous support she has given to the staff. I wish her all the very best for the future.
Snakes, pygmy hedgehogs, rabbits, terantulas, bearded dragons, mice, and a Bard owl! All of these were in school for the children to see and touch! This was followed by Houghall Collage bringing their birds of prey for everyone to enjoy.
Miss Butler & the Y6 children out of Cuthbert class tackled the ‘Fiver Challenge.’ They did this very successfully raising over £100 which they spent on the children so they could have a ‘movie afternoon.’
Congratulations go to 27 of our children who have had 100% attendance this year. They all enjoyed a trip to the cinema to see ‘The Secret Life of Pets’ and then had their lunch at McDonalds.
Congratulations also go to children in Y3-6 who are in the performing arts club. They put on a fantastic performance of ‘The Rocky Monster Show.’ Thank you to all parents who came to support and spectate.
Thank you to all parents/carers who came to our Family Bingo last week. The hall was packed full and everyone had a great time. Thanks also to Alfie who was our bingo caller along with a group of Y6 who helped out too! We raised £120 for school funds.
The Y6 children who went to Robinwood all had a fantastic time trying out new activities, learning new skills and facing difficult challenges. Their behaviour and determination were excellent!
Our Y6 children attended the Leavers Service at Durham Cathedral along with 100s of other Y6 children from across the County. We proudly marched our school banner down the aisle and enjoyed the varied activities organised there. The children were a credit to us all.
I would like to wish all our Year 6 children every success for the future. They have been a fantastic group of children who have worked hard and have shown a positive attitude all year.
Well done and good luck!