Years 5/6
Mr Stephenson – Class Teacher
Mrs Walton – HLTA
- Morning 8.30 to 10.20
- Break 10.20 to 10.35Connect Now
- Mid Morning 10.35 to 12.30
- Lunch 12.30 to 1.15
- Afternoon 1.15 to 3.00
This term, our class is delving into the exciting world of “The Falcon’s Malteser.” While exploring the story, we’re also sharpening our language skills. We’re learning about grammar and punctuation, honing our descriptive writing abilities through weekly lessons, and practicing our comprehension skills with weekly exercises. It’s a busy but rewarding term as we develop our literacy and storytelling abilities.
In math this term, we’re building a strong foundation in essential number concepts. We’re exploring place value to understand the value of digits in numbers. We’re also practicing addition and subtraction to combine and separate numbers, and mastering multiplication and division to find products and quotients. Additionally, we’re delving into fractions, learning about parts of a whole and how to perform operations with them. It’s a term filled with number-crunching fun as we develop our mathematical skills and problem-solving abilities.
This term, we’re learning about different things. In science, we’re learning how to group animals and plants. In history, we’re studying the Tudors and looking especially at Henry VIII and his wives. In P.E., we’re practicing balancing and staying steady. And every week, we go swimming to stay healthy.