At Bullion Lane Primary School we use the Read Write Inc programme to teach phonics.
This is taught from Nursery and the skills the children learn through this programme help them to decode more complex words until they become confident, independent readers. As all children are individuals and have different learning styles different approaches within individual classes may be used if necessary. Having a consistent approach to the teaching of phonics is having a dramatic, positive impact in raising standards in reading and writing.
We have a wide selection of books to help children to learn to read. These include books from Read Write Inc, Oxford Reading Tree, as well as popular children’s literature, many of which are chosen by the children themselves. Children in Years five and six are also part of the Accelerated Reader Programme which is also proving to be a huge success particularly for reluctant readers.
We have provided an overview of our curriculum along with information on our Bullion Lane Foundation Stage. Please view our classes to find out about the work we are doing in each class.
Bullion Lane Primary School Reading Strategy
Progression of Skills – Reading
Reading leaflet for Parents Y1,2 Reading leaflet for Parents Y3, 4 Reading leaflet for Parents Y5,6