Curriculum Overview
This section of our website is focused on our Curriculum and provides an overview of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and the Curriculum offer for children in Years 1 to 6.
Our Key Threads
We have identified a set of key threads that weave their way through teaching and learning as our children make their way through school. These threads are for each subject/area of learning that children will repeatedly revisit throughout their time at Bullion Lane. As shown by the colours, these themes also often intertwine with each other ensuring continuity through the school.
Maths and English are prevalent in all subjects through communication and language, reading, writing and problem solving and reasoning skills.
Our curriculum has been described by OFSTED as ‘vibrant with many opportunities to apply and use learning in varied and real-world contexts.’
Overview of our Broad and Balanced Curriculum
Remote Learning Policy
Using the national curriculum, the long- term plans ensure we have a broad and balanced curriculum based around our pupils’ needs. Child centered learning is one of our key aims.
Curriculum Plans
KS1 Cycle A
LKS2 Cycle A
LUKS2 Y4-5 Stand Alone LTP
UKS2 Cycle A
KS1 Cycle B
LKS2 Cycle B
LUKS2 Y4-5 Stand Alone LTP
UKS2 Cycle B
Please view Our Classes section for details of our work and learning if you would like to find out more.
Subject Assessments and End Points
Assessment is fully integrated into the curriculum.
There are formal assessment tasks 3 times per year in Year 6. In all other year groups, teachers assess pupil’s performance at the end of each term with a formal assessment in the summer term.
However, teachers assess pupil’s performance in each lesson in each subject to adjust learning so that different ability groups are learning appropriate knowledge, skills and key vocabulary. This enables teachers to build upon prior learning to ensure pupils remember long term content and are able to apply their new learning.
Maths and English teacher assessments are carried out termly in-line with our ‘Steps’ system where we assess whether children are working towards, in-line or above expectations. During the summer term these assessments are more formal.
For Science and all Foundation subjects, ‘End Points’ are differentiated by colour-coded key vocabulary. The actual activities to assess are subject appropriate.
Science, History, Geography & RE
For the first lesson in their books, children will write down any key words or facts they know already about the topic.
For the last lesson on the topic, children will show what they have learnt by:
Higher attainers – knowledge and understanding of red, amber and green vocabulary in a paragraph
Middle attainers – knowledge and understanding of red and amber vocabulary in sentences
Lower attainers – knowledge and understanding of definitions of red vocabulary
Scribes may be required for children whose knowledge in a subject is good, but their writing requires support.
Art & DT
Children’s outcomes are based upon their finished pieces of work. Lower, middle and higher attaining key vocabulary is evidenced in the end product of the practical art or DT project by labelling examples e.g. texture/shading/measuring/cutting
Evidence of knowledge/skills in children’s named computer folders-understanding of key vocabulary differentiated for different groups
P/RSHE, Music & PE
Portfolio containing evidence of work/activities covered
Understanding of differentiated key vocabulary evidenced in portfolios and additional PE assessment sheets.
Evidence in subject leader’s portfolio
Literacy, Reading and Phonics
For details of our literacy, reading and phonics please click here
Homework may consist of any number of activities, to support and extend work carried out in school. It is an expectation of the school that children read at home and regular parental support/supervision helps ensure that children obtain maximum benefit. Parents can also help their children by questioning them about stories, which they read and checking to see if their child can recall events or predict what might happen next. Children are encouraged to take their reading books home and parents are requested to ensure their return. Bookbags can be purchased from our uniform supplier. Library membership is strongly encouraged.
Children regularly are given spellings which they are expected to learn. Sometimes the spellings are based on particular sounds or groups of letters, other times the words are part of a special vocabulary (e.g. in Science) which the child needs to know. Please help your child with his/her spellings. Quick recall of the times tables can be of real help to your child. In addition, Maths and English homework is set regularly and children may be asked to complete other tasks at home in other subject areas.
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
At Bullion Lane Primary School we believe that inclusive education means providing all pupils with appropriate education and support alongside their peers. The Curriculum is all the planned activities that the school organises in order to promote learning, personal growth and development.
Further information can be found in the SEN Information Report. If you would like to discuss your SEND requirements in detail please contact the school to arrange an appointment.
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